Magic Mushroom Grow Kit PES Amazon by Mondo®

Magic Mushroom Grow. PES Amazonian cubensis are known for growing very large magic mushrooms. The PES Amazonian is amongst the strongest mushrooms in our Magic Mushroom Grow Kit catalog. The PESA mushrooms give strong visual effects and will elevate you to ecstasy. The mushrooms grow round, chestnut brown, sometimes scaled caps. This PES Amazonian magic mushroom grows kit is easy to grow with plenty of fun results! Magic Mushroom Grow

Magic Mushroom Grow Kit B+ by Mondo®

Magic Mushroom Grow your own B+ magic mushrooms with the Mondo® Mycelium kit. Without a doubt the Bee plus is one of the largest of all cubensis mushrooms in our collection. Perhaps the B+ Magic Mushroom grow kit is even the most resilient. Stories are not uncommon of people disposing the substrate in the garden after it has been exhausted only to find B+ magic mushrooms growing at the same spot the year after. The B+ psilocybe cubensis is a great beginner strain for cultivation and exploring new dimensions !
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